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Do Justice. Love Mercy.

Walk humbly with God.

Drum Major For Justice

The Drum Major for Justice Certificate in Public Theology is built on a faith and justice foundation. Explore the history of the Black Church, the development of Black Liberation Theology, and the evolution of BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) -Led liberation movements of today. 

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Lead Change

 Lead Change is a stackable certification program in Community Faith Formation that equips participants with key competencies for  ministry leadership in our time. It is uniquely designed as a counteractive to systemic oppression and white supremacy. 

Coming Soon

Advancing communities of faith, justice, and compassion through innovation in theological education.

The Costen Institute

Named after legendary educator Melva Wilson Costen, the Costen Institute offers a creative and collaborative learning environment where clergy, musicians, liturgists, and music leaders from different traditions can network and cultivate their knowledge and practice of worship and sacred arts. 


Healing for the Nation

Funded by the Ford Foundation and the Henry Luce Foundation, JCSTS has embarked on a multi-year project that seeks to enact societal healing and repair. For more information, contact us at

Good Trouble Series 

Recalling the iconic leadership of The Honorable John Lewis, the Good Trouble Series provides ministry trainings and resources to help people of good will “speak up, speak out, get in good trouble, and redeem the soul of America."



Safe space for faithful conversations about the key issues of our time - every 4th Thursday, 7:30p.m. EST.


Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary is one of the twelve theological schools of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the only one that is historically African American.


JCSTS utilizes a competency-based educational model. Competency-based education refers to systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting that are based on a student’s ability to demonstrate vocational proficiency. It is generally seen as an alternative to more traditional educational approaches in which students may or may not acquire proficiency in a given course or academic subject before they earn course credit.


JCSTS' model focuses on five core competencies: theological interpretation , interculturality, faith community formation, worship leadership, and community transformation.


All JCSTS programs are designed to meet one or more of these competencies. Built into each course are learning activities and assessment tools that a student can complete relatively independently within a prescribed time frame. 


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"Education is a by-product of relationships."


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Johnson C. Smith
Theological Seminary

1328 Peachtree Street NE 
Atlanta, GA 30309 
(770) 617-3541  |

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JCSTS is a 501c3 non-profit organization. 
All financial contributions made to JCSTS are tax-deductible.


© 2023 by Johnson C. Smith
Theological Seminary.
All rights reserved.


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